Current word count: 34,318
New words written: 1,118
Words til goal: 5,682 / 247 words a day til the end of September
I had another no-writing day on Friday, but managed to make up for it the other days. My writing has slowed a lot, I think because I’m at a place that’s unfamiliar. But, I’m doing research, and that’s getting me through it. I’m forging ahead, into new territory, thinking, No problem. I’ll fix in the revision. 🙂
Just a quick post today to check in because I have a blazing headache. But I hope everyone’s writing is going awesomely!
And I hope you all enjoyed Joy Preble‘s road to publication on Friday. For the next few Fridays, DayByDayWriter will be hosting some other great writing stories. So stay tuned.
How has your weekend being going? Happy early Labor Day. Are you off work tomorrow? Got anything special planned? Will you be writing?
Write On!