ARROW is a fantasy novel, but every bit of magic in the book is based on real-world science! In the book, Arrow must figure out who he can trust to help him stop deforestation and save his home, the rainforest. When I was writing the book, I did a lot of research on rainforests, trees, soil, and more. I also did a lot of research about limb differences, and got help from people who have a similar limb difference from Arrow so I could make sure I was writing his experience accurately. During all this research, I found lots of great resources you and your students can use to expand your knowledge about trees, forests, living with a limb difference and more.
The Nature Conservancy‘s Nature Works Everywhere – This program has lessons, including videos and downloadables for multiple grade levels.
Soils4Teachers – The Soil Science Society of America has put together this website, which teaches about the importance of soil and how to protect it.
The Rainforest Alliance – Offering support to the protection of rainforests around the world, The Rainforest Alliance offers school curricula, games and activities.
The Mongabay – This environmental science and conservation news platform has a resource center for children.
The National Audubon Society – NAS works to protect natural ecosystems and has a resources for kids.
National Geographic Society – This website offers classroom resources and publishes a Young Explorer magazine aimed at children.
NASA’s Climate Kids – NASA’s climate website teaches children about the Earth and climate change.
Discover Your Forest Match – Kids can learn about the different types of forests with this fun quiz from National Geographic Kids.
Nature Boom Time – Explore different types of trees in this series of videos from National Geographic Kids.
Fridays For Future – Started by teen activist Greta Thunberg, Fridays For Future has strikes every Friday to push environmental protection issues.
Earth Day Network – This organization brings people together to take action to protect their world, including Earth Day on April 22 every year. The website has ways children can get involved.