Tag: Critique Groups

Benefits of critique groups

My friend and fellow blogger Donna Janell Bowman last week ran a series of posts about the benefits of critique groups and how to make the most of them. For her posts, Donna interviewed a bunch of writers inlcuding yours truly! (Yes, that’s me.) Among the questions we answered were: What are the biggest challenges of…
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Critique like you mean it

Manuscript update: Three fellow writers have very graciously agreed to read my latest revision, which I finished yesterday. Thank you, to them. Once they’re done, I’ll do one more read-through, going through their notes and fixing anything else I see, then I think it will be ready to send out. So next week’s goal will…
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Families and writing

Done today: preparing Revision remaining: 169 pages (entire book) Daily pages needed to be finished by end of November: 3.4 My revision is still getting off to a slow start, but I finished the preparation Holly Lisle suggests in her One-Pass Manuscript Revision, so tomorrow I should begin going through pages. I’ll let you know how it comes along.…
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How to find critique groups

In my last post, Sandra asked how to find critique groups. So, here’s a quick rundown. I write for children, so I found my critique group through the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators, of which I’m a member. If you write or illustrate for children and you’re not a member of SCBWI, I…
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