Tag: Literary Agents

New agent alert

Ok, don’t got too excited about that title. New agents are typically a great opportunity for unpublished writers, but this one might not be the agent you’re looking for. Introducing the Hannah Rogers Literary Agency, the “desperate writer’s last resort.” 🙂 This joke comes to us by Evil Editor. Browse around the site for a…
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Agent news and contests

Manuscript update: Still nothing new as I’ve been too busy with www.discdish.com. But I’ve got lots of ideas for I get back to the book. Some quick agent news: Bree Ogden has been made an associate agent at Martin Literary Management. She will represent children’s, young adult and graphic novels. Here’s some info on Bree,…
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Slush Pile: Then and now

Revision update: Another two chapters revised in the last two days, but I’m starting to doubt that I’ll finish by the end of the week. Maybe end of next week? For unpublished writers, facing the slush pile can seem daunting. We hear all these horror stories about manuscripts getting buried in six-foot piles of paper,…
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Dealing with rejections

Current word count: 12,201 Words written today: 568 Words to goal:  27,799/ 352 words a day til end of September Nothing written yesterday, but I got back on track this morning and hope to not miss a day this week. The good news is, when I do write, I’m usually way over the number of words…
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Querying, re-querying and finding the right agent

In my blog reading the last few days I’ve noticed a number of agents talking about people sending them query letters that are in their “do not represent” genre list, or writers sending multiple query letters after they’ve received a rejection. A few days ago, Jessica Faust at BookEnds agency posted a message entitled Please…
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Finding an agent – step 1

I’ve spent the entire weekend — on and off in between a few social engagements — investigating literary agents. And I feel as though my head is spinning. First off, I do have an agent who I’ve been following for a while and plan to submit to. I saw her talk in two seminars a couple…
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Find a good agent

I’m going to be submitting to agents and editors in the next few weeks, after I’ve done a few more tweaks to my manuscript and managed to write a good query letter (which will probably take just as long as it took to write the novel), so it’s a good reminder from literary agent Kristin…
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