Tag: Research

Interview: Kate Messner on writing and researchingW

Today, I’ve got a great guest post on writing and researching from Kate Messner, author of Sugar & Ice, a Junior Library Guild Selection, Amazon.com Best Book for December and on the Winder 2010-2011 Kids IndieNext List. Here’s the synopsis of Kate’s book: For Claire Boucher, life is all about skating on the frozen cow…
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Interview: Kirby Larson on research

Revision update: Halfway through chapter 10 of 29. Goal: To be finished by the end of the month. Today, I’m thrilled to have an interview with Newbury Honor winner Kirby Larson. I met Kirby at the Austin SCBWI conference, where she gave an awesome talk about her journey from unpublished writer to her current success…
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How research can lead a writer

Revision update: Too many late nights, and I haven’t moved forward. I must get up earlier tomorrow! Today, Day By Day Writer is thrilled to be participating in the blog of author Therese Walsh, who’s debut novel, The Last Will of Moira Leahy, was just released. Therese has written a fabulous guest post on research…
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Questioning yourself

Done today: research Revision remaining: 46,313 words (entire book) Daily words needed to be finished by end of November: 842 I started my revision today, but only got as far as researching. Research is a very necessary part of the writing process — guru Robert McKee says research is the key to overcoming writers block —…
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Research cures writers block

Current word count: 35,287 New words written: 969 Words til goal: 4,713 / 208 words a day til the end of September I got over a hump in my writing today. For the last week, the story hasn’t been flowing as much as it had been. I was still writing, and the story was still progressing, but…
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Day 17 and research to write

Didn’t get too much actual writing done today, in day 17 of my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month. Instead I researched and thought, still trying to figure out the middle that I thought was behind me. Sigh. It’s frustrating, but worth it to do this work and get it right. Coincidentally, today my…
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