Tag: Revising

What writers can learn from the Olympics

Revision update: On chapter 22 of 30. I’m taking a pause in my Houston SCBWI conference coverage for a little Olympics wisdom. Check back in tomorrow for National Geographic Children’s Books editor-in-chief Nancy Feresten. We all know the Olympics are great for that ‘WOW! People can do that?’ factor. I must admit, I tear up…
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The NEED to write

Manuscript update: Today I’m starting my next revision of my current novel, and I’m excited and nervous. It has been three weeks since I’ve written, and the longer it gets, the more antsy I get. It’s funny, but when I’m writing, everything else in my life goes so much more smoothly. I don’t know if…
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Seven deadly sins of novel writing

Angela Ackerman (a.k.a. The Bookshelf Muse) has finished her collection of posts about her seven deadly sins of novel writing, and they’re good to read for writers at all stages of a manuscript. On Monday, I’ll be beginning what I think — hope — will be my last revision of my current novel, and as…
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Freedom of the first draft

Current word count: 23,075 New words written: 487 Words til goal: 16,925 / 412 words a day til the end of September Today was the first day in my work on my new novel that the words stumbled a bit. I made my goal, which is great, but I know this chapter is one that will definitely need…
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Preparation is key

As I was doing more research on agents yesterday, I ran across a thread on the AbsoluteWrite.com message boards. If you haven’t been on these boards before, they can be very handy. I was searching for information about an agent who doesn’t give interviews and doesn’t have any kind of web presence, and on the…
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The writing rules

I’ve been going through a reading spurt lately, after I finished the third (and hefty) Eragon book, Brisingr, and I’ve noticed that you can’t judge the validity of the “rules” of writing based on what’s selling in stores. There are plenty of “rules” that we hear when we’re just starting. I put the word in…
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Sticking with it

My revision is coming along. I’m pleased to be able to report that I woke up early every morning this week and worked on the revision. I’m now about two-thirds through, and I’ve surprised myself many times when I’ve found new and better ways of doing scenes just by pushing away my apprehension of scraping…
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Getting organized

I don’t know if it’s the summer heat, the late nights or the extra day-job hours I worked last week, but getting up early to write just wasn’t happening. I resolve to do better this week, and started off with getting up at 6:30 this morning to get a bunch done. It feels good.   But,…
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