The title of this post is misleading. Two days off might sound like a good thing: two days off work, maybe. But, no. Unfortunately, I mean two days off of my writing, and the reason is two too late nights and I overslept both yesterday and today so didn’t get any writing done. I’m once again behind on my unofficial participation in National Novel Writing Month, which for most people ended Nov. 30. I vowed to do 30 days, and I still have four to go — of course, they were supposed to be 30 consecutive days, but oh well. Maybe next November I can do it for real. Either way, I will DEFINITELY be getting up early tomorrow and writing. I’m realizing that if I don’t get up early, there’s no way I’ll fit writing in during the day.
On another note, a friend from my critique group found me on JacketFlap today, which was exciting. On her profile, I found her blog and thought I’d share it with you. Sarah Joiner’s blog The Journey has the tag line Traveling the rocky road to publication. Sounds like something we all can relate to.
How’s your writing going? Hopefull better than mine!
Write On!