Commit to writing

Revision update: Moving along smoothly. I’m about two-thirds off the way through. Still hoping to be done by the end of the month. Fingers crossed.

I’ve talked about setting goals for writing a lot on this blog. But there’s more to commiting to your writing than setting goals. Procrastinating Writers has a great idea: Sign a writing goals contract with yourself.

As PW says, a contract takes away excuses, keeps you on track for your goals and helps remind you what’s important—your writing.

PW has a sample contract on their blog post, but I suggest modifying it to add something specific, like, I’ll write something every day, or I’ll write at least five days a week, whatever is reasonable and doable. Then, write it up or print it out and paste it on your fridge.

Since being laid off from my job, I’ve committed to working on my book in the morning then working on my job search in the afternoon.

What do you want to commit to?

Also, got a question on ghostwriting? Leave it in the comments and author Laura Cross will answer it here on Feb. 12. Your question also could win you a PDF copy of Laura’s book, Complete Guide to Hiring a Literary Agent: Everything You Need to Know to Become Successfully Published.

2 Responses

  1. iapetus999 says:

    Writing *is* my job search…just hoping someone will pay me for it…sometime…please….

  2. 🙂 That’s the hope, iapetus999. Keep it up!

What do you think?