Category: Revising

First pages

Done today: Still on first five chapters Revision remaining: 149 pages Daily pages needed to be finished by end of November: 3.5 I feel as though I’m not getting anywhere with my revising when I look at my stats, but revising can sometimes be slower than writing. This is time when you’re considering so much more. With the first…
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When in doubt, try

Done today: Chapter 4 Revision remaining: 149 pages Daily pages needed to be finished by end of November: 3.5 Got some more revision done this weekend and figured out some things that had been bothering me, which was great. I’m going to change one chapter into two chapters with more stuff added in, so I might just do that…
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Trying new things

Done today: More of Chapter 2 Revision remaining: 162 pages Daily pages needed to be finished by end of November: 3.6 I had a mini break-through this morning when I was working on my revision. Yesterday, I had started editing chapter two, but got stuck on one paragraph that I liked but knew it didn’t fit where it was. I…
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Goals and themes

Done today: nothing so far Revision remaining: 46,313 words (entire book) Daily words needed to be finished by end of November: 908 I’ve been feeling very unmotivated lately since our dog passed away, and I’m trying to snap out of it. But I’ve pretty much done nothing on my revision since I last posted on Day By Day…
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Questioning yourself

Done today: research Revision remaining: 46,313 words (entire book) Daily words needed to be finished by end of November: 842 I started my revision today, but only got as far as researching. Research is a very necessary part of the writing process — guru Robert McKee says research is the key to overcoming writers block —…
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Children’s book author funny

Some quick fun laughs today for children’s book authors. Jerry Seltzer offers an inspired comic strip just for us: Tori Stellar: Children’s Book Author. I love the fourth one down with the children’s fan letter. Hilarious. Also, on cute and funny things, I posted a picture of my Newtie into yesterday’s post. I miss him terribly, but he’s…
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Losing inspiration

To be honest, I don’t have any great inspiration to share today and my inspiration has been limited for a few weeks, which is why you haven’t heard from me much lately. I think I know the reason: burn out. I’m tired. My early morning writing sessions are wonderful, and I hate not having them,…
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Chapter One

Current word count: 16,822 Words written today: 394 Words til goal: 23,178 / 367 words a day til the end of September Additional writing: revised two chapters in first novel. Now on chapter 20 of 33. Yesterday I said that, as well as working on my new book, I have been revising my original novel,…
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Revising — again

If you haven’t already, check out my interview with author Chynna Laird. With four kids and studies for her B.A. in psychology, she has a lot on her plate, but still managed to write and get published two books. She’s an inspiration. If she can do it, so can we. Quick check in: Current word count: 16,428…
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Said and other dialog identifiers

One of those rules to know before you break it is only use “said” or “asked” when identifying a speaker of dialog; avoid using words like stammered, complained, etc. For one thing, the dialog should show a stammer or a complaint, so using those is stating the obvious. But mainly, words like that slow down the…
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