9 Days to Release: Powerful Pull Quote


Wow! We’re at day 9 of our #18DaystoMGDebut countdown, and the topic is a powerful pull quote from THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST. Funnily enough, the pull quote I’d chosen for this is one I’ve seen showing up in some of the tweets from early readers:

Maybe you can’t tell the strength of a person until you’ve seen inside their fears. Maybe a person can’t tell their own strength until they can face their doubts.

These two sentences from THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST sum up the book’s premise well. In the story, a boy wakes up on a mysterious beach with no memory of how he got there or who he is. All he knows is he’s scared, but the only way to survive is to find his courage.

We judge others by what we see, their actions or non-actions, but what we don’t see are the fears that drive or stop them. We all have fears that we must face, and what seems easy to some will be terrifying to others. We can’t fully know what a person is facing unless we know the fears that race through their hearts.

Hand in hand with that is self-doubt, that voice in our heads that tell us we can not do what we want to do, can not be what we want to be – that we are not enough. It pulls fear ever closer and pushes courage farther away. But if we can push those doubts aside, we can truly find our strength.

This is something I’ve battled with in my life and continue to every day. And this is why THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST is a story close to my heart. I hope it’s close to yours too.

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Personalized copies of THE BOY, THE BOAT, AND THE BEAST are available for pre-order through my fantastic local independent bookstore, BookPeople.

The novel is also available for pre-order on IndieBoundPowell’sBook DepositoryBooks-A-MillionBarnes & NobleAmazonTargetWalmart, as well as numerous other independent bookstores.

Check out all my #18DaystoMGDebut posts here.


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